Friday, August 24, 2007

I HATE myself!!!

Cried for the same thing again and again. Why can't I be someone that no people have got something from me? I always wonder, why can't I just be a normal person that everyone love, done wrong once a while? Why? Don't expect me to do all things! I am just a lonely person with NOTHING! If you think I am so disappointing, just leave me...I don't wanna let myself always in pressure because of something that I am not suppose to think and worry of. Everyone has pressure, I know. But not everyone can stand all the pressure. Tell? Who to tell? You think eveyone or your friends is so free to hear about this? I believe there is one but the pressure is still remains there. I have been dunked inside and I have suffered enough. What I want is freedom. I got freedom now from my parent but not from guardians. So what? They can't control how my life goes, I myself can control it but why must them disturb so much? Why can't I have my choices and my fate? I know God has plans for my life and I am waiting but not making me disappoint of the world. What I like to do is always rejected by people surrounding me, what I decide to do is always unsupported, what I want is always been a rubbish to them. That's enough! I have suffered enough! Let me go. Just let me go. Please. I am just a useless person.

I am not a wonderful person. I did wrong also. I will do wrong too. I know I am not that good too. I am tired enough. So, please don't force me once again. I might died under your words. Really. I don't know where should I go and what should I do. I am totally lost this time. What I want now is time, time to let me to think, think of everything. Please. Let me. Please.

I HATE myself,

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

我 不想活了...

我 累了...

我真的 很累了...

我真的真的 很累了...

可不可以 让我一个人...

好好享受 一个人的生活...

我自己 一个人的自由...

为什么 我总是不可以呢..?

我 疲倦了...

我没什么话 想说了...

对于这世界 没什么保留了...


我 只是一颗棋子...

永远都在 被操控着的棋子...

没有什么 自由...

为什么 我就是不行呢?

我 不想活了...

我没什么 好眷恋了...

这里的人 都是棋手...

我 没权利选择...

只能 被东踢西打...

我 好想死掉...

离开 这个世界...


虽然我 还没死...

但 我的心...

已经 死了...

曾经 让我眷恋的世界...

等待的 天空...

我都 放弃了...

让我 自由地飞翔...

让我 离开吧...